“Preparing our Children for a Future of Excellence.”




As we reflect on the community kindness shown to us this past Mandela Day, we are reminded of the good people who rise up to support us.  Who show they care. Who are there for us.  Togetherness.  This beautiful poem by Maya Angelo shares our sentiment.

I note the obvious differences
in the human family.
Some of us are serious,
some thrive on comedy.

Some declare their lives are lived
as true profundity,
and others claim they really live
the real reality.

The variety of our skin tones
can confuse, bemuse, delight,
brown and pink and beige and purple,
tan and blue and white.

I've sailed upon the seven seas
and stopped in every land,
I've seen the wonders of the world
not yet one common man.

I know ten thousand women
called Jane and Mary Jane,
but I've not seen any two
who really were the same.

Mirror twins are different
although their features jibe,
and lovers think quite different thoughts
while lying side by side.

We love and lose in China,
we weep on England's moors,
and laugh and moan in Guinea,
and thrive on Spanish shores.

We seek success in Finland,
are born and die in Maine.
In minor ways we differ,
in major we're the same.

I note the obvious differences
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.


Our Spring Tea is scheduled for 26th October.  Please email Sue to reserve your table.  We have two raffles going and we hope to paste a link for them online shortly.

We are still looking for a Team VSH Ride Joburg cycle race project leader.  If you would like to manage and or cycle representing our cycle team on Sunday 17 November, please contact Sue.

We would love to partner with any South African businesses this December in receiving donations towards our education needs for 2025. 

We are governed by our board committee who meet regularly to oversee the running of The Village Safe Haven.  We are NPO, PBO and SARS accredited. Corporate Socio-Economic Donations (SEDs) are a great way to partner with an NPO, through business.

Our continued thank you goes out to the Colab Foundation who have taken our home on board.  We are so honoured to partner with you, in raising every unique special child homed at The Village Safe Haven.

A gentle reminder to our donors.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require a tax certificate for your donation.  Some of our donations are paid with little payment reference information which makes a personal thank you tricky.  However we are extremely grateful for all donations received and we express our sincere thanks to every person who has supported us along the way.


We are honoured to partner with corporates that would like to donate to a trustworthy and responsible partner, in the upliftment of South African lives.  We require financial assistance with our annual Education and Transport, Security and Medical costs and our very exciting Going Green Solar Conversion project.  Socio-Economic Development (SEDs) forms part of the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy. It is the 5th element of the BEE Scorecard for both Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) and Generic Entities.  


We have an extremely exciting Going Green clean energy project, whereby we are in the process of converting our home to solar power.  This saves us a massive cost on our monthly electricity however the infrastructure is very pricey. Please invest in the lives of our South African children and those that care for them through your SEDs donations. 


We value and appreciate every supporter and donation.  Should you or your company wish to get involved, please drop Susan a message (WhatsApp is best).

Scholars looking to earn community hours.  Your giving contributes an enormous amount to our little home.  Please visit the community hours web page and book your community hours through this NPO who then direct students to our little home.  A special THANK YOU to the dads and moms who assist these students.

CommunityHours   and email   Email CommunityHours




Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.  Maya Angelou.



Email us to arrange any volunteer days.   Individuals, corporates and scholar community hours are all welcome.  We work on a case by case sytem to structure what best suits you and our home.

See our volunteering options

Donate Goods or Money

Every month we need a few things to best take care of our children. Please donate goods, money or utility vouchers.

See our wish list

Annual Events

The Village Safe Haven host a number of events during the year in an effort to raise funds. Register as a corporate, school group or individual.

View our upcoming events


"I came from a place where my future did not look very bright. When I stayed at The Village Safe Haven, I was granted so many opportunities. I was given an education and everything needed to help me do well at school. I even had tutors and I was involved in after school help programs. 

Thanks to all the support I received, I passed matric with a bachelor degree.  I have been placed my first job with the help of Susan Harris and the awesome people surrounding The Village Safe Haven .

I am grateful to my foster parents, Michael and Susan Harris and everyone who has helped me succeed this far in life. 

My next plan is to get a tertiary education studying child psychology. This will be my way of giving back to society. I would like to focus on helping kids who think they are helpless by building them up from the inside.

Nokuthula Ndlela
Nokuthula lived at The Village Safe Haven for 15 years.
She is now 21